Abstract Painting with Cold Wax with Art & Soul
Wed, Apr 12
|Sheraton Airport Portland 8235 Northeast Airport Way Portland, Oregon 97220
Students will learn about building multiple layers with Cold Wax and Oil paints. The wax and paint will be brushed, smeared and spread into a pleasing composition of layered, translucent color. Once the layers are built, students can work back into them, making marks and patterns.

Time & Location
Apr 12, 2023, 9:00 AM – Apr 13, 2023, 4:30 PM
Sheraton Airport Portland 8235 Northeast Airport Way Portland, Oregon 97220
About the Event
Materials Fee $30 paid at beginning of class includes:
all paints and mediums for this class
Supplies Needed to bring for Class:
Gloves ( a must!) Paper Towels (we use a lot!) Princeton Catalyst Mini Blade Flat #1 Old Gift Cards or Hotel Keys Scissors to cut gift cards Stencils and/or punchinella or produce bags or other items to create textures Small spray bottle Palette Paper (must have for mixing colors) Mark Making tools - color shapers, shish kabob sticks, etc. Oil Pastels – inexpensive set